- Ph.D. Chemistry, The University of Maryland (College Park, MD), 2004
- B.S. Chemistry, Montana State University (Bozeman, MT)
- B.S. Finance, Penn State University (Centre County, PA)
Professional Experience:
- Joined the chemistry faculty at Appalachian in 2007
- Dr. Taubman teaches analytical and brewing chemistry as well as introductory chemistry courses.
- Post-doctoral Research Associate at Penn State University
Dr. Taubman's current research interests include investigating terpene profiles of hop varietals as well as terpenes and cannabinoids in hemp varietals. He has successfully developed a pilot instructional brewing facility on the ASU campus and currently serves as President of Ivory Tower, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation with the mission of supporting research and education within fermentation sciences. Dr. Taubman helped to develop the four-year degree program in Fermentation Sciences, for which he is currently the Director, and shares time between that program and the Chemistry Department.
Analytical Chemistry
Fermentation/Beer Chemistry
Hop Aroma Chemistry
Cannabinoid and Terpene Analysis
Gluten Free Brewing
Koji Fermentations
Selected Publications:
Taubman, B.F., Williams, T., Using Koji to bypass the malting process with barley, manuscript currently under review, Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists.
Taubman, B.F., S. Sommer, J. Edwards, T. Laws, L. Hamm, B. Frank, Microbial Gluten Reduction in Beer using Lactic Acid Bacteria and Standard Process Methods, MBAA Technical Quarterly, vol. 55, no. 1, 2018.
Taubman, B.F. (PI), Conradie, L. (Co-PI), Parker, D. (Co-PI), Muscadine Chemical Analysis, North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Marketing Division, $15,241, 05/01/2021-02/30/2022, funded.
Oguntoyinbo, F. (PI), Taubman, B.F. (Senior Personnel), Experiential Learning for Women and Minority Youth Through Fermentation Science to Promote Career Paths in STEM Fields, USDA NIFA, $100,000.50, 07/01/2021-06/30/2024, pending.

Title: Director, Fermentation Sciences, Professor, Research Mentor
Department: Chemistry
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-7847