Dr. Dieter Weber


  • Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, Heidelberg University, Germany, 2012
    • Mentor: Michel R. Gagné
  • B.S. Chemistry, Heidelberg University, Germany, 2009

Professional Experience: 

  • In 2015 Dr. Weber joined the chemistry department at Appalachian State University as a lecturer and was promoted to Assistant Professor in 2017.
  • Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Max-Planck Institute for Coal Research
    • Research Mentor: Alois Fürstner


Dr. Weber’s research focuses on sustainable organic synthesis guided by the principles of green chemistry.  He currently has several ongoing research projects centered on microwave-assisted organic reactions, the application of biocatalysis in organic synthesis, the design of cascading/tandem/one-pot reactions, and on the development of new experiments for organic teaching laboratories.

Selected Publications: TBA

Title: Assistant Professor, Research Mentor
Department: Chemistry

Email address: Email me

Phone: (828) 262-7841

Office address
GWH 453