The Undergraduate Advising Council (UAC) established App State's first university wide, peer nominated academic advising award in 2019. These awards are presented annually to one professional advisor and one faculty advisor who best exemplify excellence in academic advising, according to the following criteria:
1. Consistently demonstrating a caring and helpful attitude
2. Delivering accurate information regarding program requirements, including Gen Ed
3. Providing insight for semester/career planning
4. Informing advisees of available university resources
5. Keeping up to date on App State’s regulations, policies, and procedures
6. Supporting student development through academic, social, and professional engagement
7. Monitoring and communicating student progress toward graduation
Dr. Brooke Christian, Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences, was selected as the recipient of this year’s Excellence in Academic Advising Faculty Advising Award. As a faculty advisor, she plays a key role in the success of our students. The award comes with a plaque and a $500 stipend.
Congratulations and thank you for your hard work, Dr. Christian!