Vision, Mission and Core Values

Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences Statement of Vision

The A.R. Smith Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences strives to be globally relevant by educating students prepared to contribute in a dynamic, technology-centered world. We are committed to providing a comprehensive curriculum in the chemical sciences, state-of-the-art research, and regional, state, and global service/engagement opportunities.

Statement of Mission

The mission of the A.R. Smith Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences is to advance the chemical sciences by developing internationally engaged faculty who provide quality education, research, and service opportunities. We will graduate scientists who are knowledgeable in chemistry, embrace recognized standards of ethical scientific behavior, and engage in safe and sustainable chemical practices.

Faculty will:

  • Promote a multi-disciplinary curriculum development based on our American Chemical Society accreditation.
  • Mentor undergraduates in current research methods and disseminate results to the scientific community.
  • Serve as role models to students for safe and ethical professional behavior.
  • Provide students with community-based research and outreach opportunities.
  • Encourage students to develop a global perspective through international experiences in chemistry.

The Department of Chemistry and Fermentation Sciences reports to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Core Values

  • We are a unique department that believes in promoting the professional development of individual students and faculty members while at the same time working to realize our unified vision.
  • We value the application of cross-disciplinary and/or collaborative work and inquiry-based thinking to the improvement of our undergraduate curriculum, the formulation and exploration of scientific questions in the area of Forensic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Environmental Science, Polymer Science and Chemical Education, and the enrichment and engagement of our local and global communities.
  • We support a culture that promotes diversity, shared responsibility and mutual respect.
  • We emphasize open communication and transparent decision processes.
  • We have respect for the world around us and are committed to contributing to the advancement of scientific discovery in the areas of energy, sustainability and the preservation of the natural environment.
  • We believe in contributing to the body of knowledge in science through undergraduate research.

Core Assets

  • Dedicated, effective, and innovative faculty members, staff, students and administrators.
  • Teaching and research facilities that support a productive and open learning environment.
  • State-of-the-art instrumentation for teaching and research.
  • A vigorous undergraduate research program.
  • Forensic Science Program that is unique throughout the state for its emphasis on chemistry, its breadth of courses, and its strong research component.
  • Faculty members who are actively engaged in outreach through K-12 teacher and student education, safety training, and community-based curricula and research. Our expertise in polymer, forensic, environmental, and energy-related chemistry enable us to provide leadership in these areas throughout the state and the region.
  • Active student organizations (the Chemistry and the Forensic Science Clubs) which provide student support and community services.

Statement of Essential Character - Chemistry

The primary focus for the department is the education of students majoring in chemistry, who are interested in pursuing careers as professional chemists, secondary school teachers, or healthcare professionals. In addition we also provide education for non-science students and other science majors. In order to keep our curriculum challenging and relevant, we participate in workshops, meetings and conferences to learn about new ideas in chemical education and employ them in our courses.

Scholarship in the department involves the expansion of the undergraduate learning experience beyond the classroom through the establishment of externally funded research and curriculum development programs and through dissemination of the resulting peer-reviewed products and participation in national and international conferences. Active involvement in scholarship is essential to the professional development of our majors and the effectiveness of the faculty.

The department is dedicated to serving the academy through membership on College of Arts and Sciences and university-wide committees and we encourage service to the profession by active participation with regional and national professional societies. We seek to engage the community through professional consulting, K-12 outreach, laboratory services, and programs designed to enhance both the interest in and knowledge of chemistry and chemical education. We also serve as an exemplary model for chemical safety training to chemistry departments throughout the state of North Carolina.